
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RegistrationState
Physical Name : CO_ST_RGSTN

RegistrationState identifies, defines and describes different conditions a retailer chooses to use to classify consumer enrollment conditions. Consumers enroll or register with a retailer which means they voluntarily share their name, contact and other identifying information with a retailer. In most scenarios this sharing of personal information is part of an order process. It is possible for consumers to enroll and establish a memorialized identity with a retailer without actually ordering items or settling a retail transaction. Accordingly, it is tracked independently of a ConversionsState. It is a separate, "parallel" state.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
RegistrationStateCode (PK) Code value that designates a type of enrollment condition. The list is determined by the retailer. Common examples include: REGISTERED_VALIDATED - consumer is registered but information is not validated REGISTERED_UNVALIDATE - consumer is registered and information has been validated UNREGISTERED - consumer has NOT registered. Others as required by the retailer. CD_RGSTN_ST Code varchar(20)
RegistrationStateDescription Short narrative description of a registration state. DE_RGSTN_ST DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RegistrationState defines state of ConsumerRegistrationState

Logical Views containing RegistrationState

Logical View
Logical 07015 - Customer Lifecycle and Registration
Logical 07017 - Consumer-Customer Lifecycle Context View